Thursday, June 9, 2011

Stop # 3 Lexington, KY

Our stay in Lexington, Kentucky was wonderful!  We got to pull a cousin Eddy and pulled right on into Adam's good friend, Dan's, driveway!  Laundry was done and I'm sure we have greatly added to his power bill for the month after plugging in the ol' RV to his house.  Thanks Dan!!!  We also visited with Dan's parents, Jim and Cindy.  It was so good to have adult conversations that did not center around poopy diapers.  We had a really great meal and the kids got to run around in one of the most beautiful back yards I have seen.  At the end of the night we were all pooped but full and happy.  It was a great stopping place, one we wish we could stay at longer, but we still have a very long way to go!  Thank you Dan, Jim, Cindy and Anne for your hospitality!  We are now on our way to Peoria, IL!!

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