Monday, June 20, 2011

The Alaska Highway

The Alaska Highway was amazing today!  We made it all the way to Watson Lake in the Yukon!  I'm not sure how to describe everything and I'm sure the pictures will not do it justice, but it was awesome!  We also saw a moose, a couple of bears, wild horses, a sheep and lots of buffalo!  It was a long trip, but the kids are doing really well considering.   Adam and I are getting the adventure we wanted, but are also discovering that it is a lot of work!  I'm not sure if I can stress how much work it is trying to get all of us to Valdez, but I know at the end of the day we are exhausted!  We are now far enough North that we are no longer experiencing a dark night.  Last night we made it to bed around 11:00 and it was still very light out.  It is difficult convincing a 2 year old that it is night night time when it looks like noon.  A sign of things to come I'm sure:)  Enjoy the pictures!

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