Thursday, April 12, 2012

Signs of Spring!

We found some bulbs that have come up in our back yard!  What a wonderful sign of Spring!  

While on a walk the kids enjoy stopping to watch and listen to the water going down the drain!  Another good sign that the snow is finally melting!  

There is a lot of snow to melt though!

We can finally see the 7 foot mark in on our backyard measuring stick!  It seems to be going down about 3-4 inches a day!

We are finally enjoying some real signs of Spring!  Today we discovered some bulbs that have come up in our backyard!  This is an amazing site since this is literally the only ground we can see back there (it is right next to the house where the roof kept a little snow off the ground)!  We can see the 7 foot mark on our measuring stick in the backyard and hopefully will be able to see the fence soon!  The streets and sidewalks are clear, but there is still a lot of snow to melt.  We are gaining about 6 minutes of daylight each day so that much sun is really helping us to thaw out!  It is exciting to go out each day and see the change!

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