Sunday, April 29, 2012

End of April

The last week of April and Mariah and I went out for some snowshoeing with friends while Cooper was in preschool!  It is a great workout, and a fun excuse to get outside!

 Heading up hill with the kids on our back!  

Cooper's last day of swim lessons concluded with an exciting jump off the diving board!
So brave!

Ponzi and I found these flowers while Adam took the kids into the store for some shopping.  

A fun app on my cell phone let me do this:)  

April has been such a busy month!  We have been working hard with the preschool, Cooper has been attending swimming lessons, and Mariah is busy growing and learning!  We are finding more flowers around town and the snow is still melting!  This is an area of constant change and it is amazing to see these plants pushing through the snow to bloom and the trees almost all have buds on them now.  I am hoping by next week we will finally be able to see leaves on the trees, I will post pictures as soon as I see one!  Enjoy the pictures!

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