Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I'm on a boat!

With Adam's mom in town we decided it was time again to go back out on the moral boat!  The goal was to catch some fish, and see some icebergs.  We saw some icebergs...  However, we also got an amazing show from a very friendly seal!  We were not expecting it but once we made it out to Bligh Reef and started fishing we gained the attention of a seal that was eager to play and be photographed!  He circled our boat and began flipping and jumping in the water for about 15 minutes while we all cheered him on and of course took as many pictures as we could.  Every now and then he would slow down a bit and look right at the camera like he knew exactly what he was doing.  It was great and so unexpected!  When it was time for him to go he swam away with his family that must have been hiding near by out of sight while he played for us.  

                                                     Our wonderful entertainment!

Bye!  Thank you for the show!

My little fisher man.

 The rocking of the boat put Mariah in a trance!  

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