Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Tree Time!

It was finally time to find a Disque Family Christmas Tree to brighten up our home!  It was an adventure...  We drove out to 12 mile and stopped at the same place as last year.  This year the snow is not as deep so we all headed down the trail to find The Tree, however, even though the snow was not deep, it was cold and the wind was blowing...  All 4 of us did not make it very far, but Adam and Ponzi continued on with a chainsaw; found and conquered our tree..  It is funny that trees "don't look that big" until you bring them into your home...  However even though it is a bit wide (it was a bit tall too, but a chainsaw can fix that) it is inside, and covered in lights and ornaments!  It is funny to think next year we will most likely be somewhere that we can simply purchase a Christmas Tree from a Tree Lot, but this year we did it the Alaskan way.  Enjoy the pictures!

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