Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Northern Lights & Snow!!

What an awesome 12 hours!  Last night I got a message from my friends that the Northern Lights were out!  Sure enough I ran out side (camera in hand) and there were those beautiful green lights playing all around the mountains!  My friends and I decided to head out to the Valdez Glacier to get some more pictures which was a lot of fun. My pictures are not great because I have neglected to buy a tripod yet, but I did get a few!  If you notice slightly blurry lines on the pictures, those are stars.  It lets you know how much I moved while trying to stand perfectly still in a freezing cold wind taking these pictures!

This morning we woke up and looked out the window to see the first snowfall of the season.  As I type it is snowing away.  It is beautiful.  I would take this over a cold rainy day anytime!  Also as I type this Adam is meeting with a friend to get our snow tires on...  Just in time!  Enjoy the pictures!

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