Friday, September 7, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away!

The rain has finally stopped just in time for our last visitors of the summer to leave!  I feel bad that it rained nonstop for 6 days while Jacob and his family were in town for a visit, there are however; some things you can not control.  We did managed to have a good time in spite of the weather.  We played lots of games of spades, celebrated Jacob and Tyson's birthdays and visited the pool on several occasions.  Cooper also started back at preschool this week!  He loves it and could not be happier to be back with his friends!  The important thing is we got to spend time with family and finally meet our newest niece!  Life is good.

Cooper on his way to preschool!

Exploring the museum.  (I think the ladies running the museum were happy to see us leave!)

Aunt Natalie also brought Cooper and Mariah their birthday presents to open!

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