Monday, June 3, 2013

Great Weekend!

Wow!  We had a great weekend and I could not be more grateful since it will be the kids and my last full weekend in Valdez!  We participated in the Bite Back 5k and Cooper actually ran in his first race, the Kid's 1 mile!  He ran the whole way, not stopping once, we could not believe it!  He was definitely one of the youngest but he kept up!  We should not be surprised because he is usually on the go, not one to sit around, so running seems to come pretty natural (as with most active 4 year olds!)  It was also Military Appreciation weekend here so a local helicopter company was selling trips out to Shoup Glacier for a reduced price and Adam and I decided to go for it!  We asked if the kids could go, but they said "no." So a good friend offered to watch them while Adam and I got a tour!  It was awesome!  Today was also my last day of work.  It was a little bitter sweet as I have really enjoyed getting back out in to the work force and this was the perfect opportunity.  We are really going to miss Valdez, the place and the people most of all! 

Okay, not a great picture of me,  I was pretty tired, but finished in 29 minutes.  Adam did even better finishing in around 23 minutes while pushing Cooper and Mariah!  Amazing!

The National Guard came out and set up some fun activities for the kids too!