Friday, March 29, 2013

Still more snow

We have gotten over 4 feet of snow in the last week...  I thought spring was suppose to be here, but not yet.  Adam made it home this week thank goodness, we had really been missing him.  We have had a fun day of playing in the snow.  I made sure to take lots of pictures with the thought in mind that this may be our last snow storm in Alaska. 

Playing hide and seek around snow piles!


They found a snow fort!

This is why Dad is cooler than Mom...  Using the roof as a slide was too much fun!

Ponzi wanted in on the action! 

Cooper's turn!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

More Snow...

So that grass I spoke of last posting is long gone.  In the last 2 days we have gotten another 2 feet of snow.   I'm ready for Adam to get home, it is a lot of work moving that much snow!
 Yesterday afternoon we were back up to the 6ft mark.
 This morning we were at the 7 ft. mark, with snow still falling.

 My second day of snowblowing!  Thank goodness for our snowblower!
 Not perfect, but good enough!

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Ponzi found some grass on our walk!  
 There is still plenty of snow on the ground, but it is starting to melt!

The snow slide is get fast since the snow is melting and freezing daily.  It is more of an ice slide now...

 Mariah is on the hunt for icicles! 

The parking lot at church has become an ice rink.  We did make it across without falling though!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

We are having a beautiful day in Valdez!  The kids got up to an early start and it turned out to be great so we could soak up the sun early on in the morning.  Enjoy the pictures!

Climbing up the snow slide!
 Made it to the top!

Still plenty of snow on the ground.  Cooper could walk across our front yard and touch the top of the stop sign without a problem, but there is plenty of melting going on since it is almost 40 degrees today!