Saturday, February 23, 2013

Busy Weekend!

What a weekend this is turning out to be!  Adam headed out on his final voyage...  They are heading down to dry dock to get some much needed fix'n up for the boat, so will be there for a while. On that note, please be sure to keep Adam and the crew of the Long Island in your prayers for a safe trip to the yards.   It was sad to watch them go, but it also felt crazy that our time in Alaska is coming to an end.  It has gone so fast, and has been so wonderful!  It is not over yet though, still more to experience! 

On the note of more to experience, we headed from waving good bye over to the small boat harbor to watch the "Polar Plunge" to benefit those affected by the devastation fire.  It was so fun to watch everyone in their different costumes so excited and scared to jump into the freezing water.  The kids and I stood with the spectators and were happy to be bundled in our coats, gloves and hats!  Great job to those who jumped, but I'm happy to be watching. 

Enjoy the pictures!

The events started with a canoe tug of war between the Fire Fighters and the Coast Guard...  Coast Guard won!!!
 Cooper and Mariah watching the jumpers!

 Mariah and friends watching the action!

I also finally took my sewing machine out of the box (I got it for Christmas) and attempted my first project!  Mariah loved it, and I was pretty proud it came out so well!  Just had to show the dress off;-)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Feeling Better

After about a week of feeling sick everyone finally seems to be feeling better, so we were able to get outside and have some fun!  I think we all needed a little fresh air, but Cooper seemed like he would be content to stay outside the whole day.  It was fun to see the kids back to normal!  We started our day with a walk to the shore, and then went out to lunch.  When we made it back home Cooper requested to play in the yard, so we did.  Our front yard looks a little different now because we finally gave in and had some of the snow removed.  It was becoming difficult for the roof to shed and there was nowhere to throw the snow anymore, so it was time.  For a nominal fee a giant machine came and took half our snow and put it in the snow lot across from our house on Thursday.  It has created fun mountains of snow to climb and an awesome snow slide right in our front yard!  Enjoy the pictures!

Time to play in the front yard!

It is also fun to see how the snow creates these pockets of bright blue all around the house.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Playing Around

Yesterday we got home from Preschool and the kids wanted to play in the drive way so I took the opportunity to snap a few pictures!  The snow is here now, however we are still below average.  I think the last official total we heard was 169 inches, which is about 3 feet below average.  This weekend through Tuesday they are predicting we could get more than 24 inches, so it will be a weekend full of shoveling for us.  We have put some boards up on some of our windows where the roof shed makes it almost impossible to keep up with, we have been warned that if the snow rest on windows it can push the windows in, so we try to avoid that...

Enjoy the pictures!

The kids playing in our driveway.  

On a walk.

You can see where we had to put the board up to help protect the window...

This first picture was taken in early January and the second in the same spot in early February.
Our front yard.  This picture is taken at my eye level.